10-11 october, 2024

Auditorium 7 & 8

Booth #217

Visit us at Booth #217 to learn more about the activities listed below.

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AMDS Podium Presence

This year, EACTS has put together a top-notch scientific program. Be sure to check out some of the key sessions we found interesting. Remember that you must be registered with the annual meeting to attend any sessions.

Thursday 10th October, 13:53 Auditorium 8

Distal Anastomotic New Entry Tears, Not Residual Arch Tears, Best Predict Long-Term Outcomes After Hemiarch Repair for DeBakey I Aortic Dissection.


Dr. Marway
Ann Arbor, USA

Thursday 10th October, 14:09 Auditorium 8

Classic Hemiarch vs. Hemiarch + Hybrid Noncovered Open Stent for Acute DeBakey Type I Dissection – A Propensity Score Matched Analysis.


Dr. Pitts
Berlin, Germany

Friday 11th October, 8:30 Auditorium 7

Aortic Related Reinterventions After Open Non-Covered Stenting of the Arch for Acute DeBakey I Aortic Dissection.


Dr. Montagner
Berlin, Germany

Ongoing Clinical Trials

Stop by our booth to learn more.


A ProspEctive, Single ARm, Multi-Center Clinical InveStigation to EValuatE the Safety and Effectiveness of AMDS* in the TREatment of Acute DeBakey Type I Dissection Pivotal IDE Study. AMDS is intended for aortic repair, aortic remodeling, and re-expansion of the intimal flap within the ascending aorta, aortic arch, and into the descending aorta for patients with acute DeBakey I aortic dissection undergoing open surgical repair within 0 to 14 days after diagnosis.

Triomphe Pivotal IDE Study

  Prospective, non-randomized, multi-center clinical investigation of the NEXUS™ Aortic Arch Stent Graft System (NEXUS) for the treatment of thoracic aortic lesions involving the aortic arch with a proximal landing zone, native or previously implanted surgical graft, in the ascending aorta and with a brachiocephalic trunk native landing zone.
Caution: AMDS and NEXUS are investigational devices. Limited by Federal (or United States) law to investigational use. All products and indications are not available/approved in all markets. Please contact your local Artivion representative for details.