


The Natural Choice for Cardiovascular Reconstruction.

Product Highlights

  • The ideal graft for conduit repair, aortic graft infections, and aneurysm repair.
  • Natural suturability with compliance at the anastomosis.1
  • Excellent resistance to infection and natural pulsatile flow.2-3

Product Overview


1. Superior Quality

Artivion significantly exceeds FDA and AATB donor rejection criteria standards to benefit patient care and outcomes.1,2, Strict criteria standards and Artivion’s proprietary tissue processing provide superior quality allografts.


Product Videos

CryoVein & CryoArtery
Pulsatile Flow

CryoVein & CryoArtery
Natural Suturability

Additional Resources

Explore additional resources for CryoGraft® Descending Thoracic Aorta below. For further information or to contact a sales associate in your area, contact us.

Ordering Information

Allograft MRI Information Letter

Product Highlights


  1. Martin R, et. al. (1994). Cryopreserved saphenous vein allografts for below-knee lower extremity revascularization. Ann Surg, 219(6), 664-72.
  2. Brown KE, et. al. (2009). Arterial reconstruction with cryopreserved human allografts in the setting of infection: A single-center experience with midterm follow-up. J Vasc Surg, 49(3), 660-6.
  3. Bia D, et. al. (2007). Differential function coupling between human saphenous cryoallografts and arteries: importance of the arterial type and the biomechanical parameter evaluated. Artif Organs, 31(11), 809-18.

Product Overview

  1. The American Association of Tissue Banks Standards for Tissue Banking (Current Edition). https://www.aatb.org/standards. Accessed on February 9, 2023. Criteria reviewed at time of donation.
  2. FDA Donor Eligibility Regulations 21 CFR part 1271, Subpart C. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-21/chapter-I/subchapter-L/part-1271/subpart-C?toc=1. Accessed on February 9, 2023.
  3. Martin R, et. al. (1994). Cryopreserved saphenous vein allografts for below-knee lower extremity revascularization. Ann Surg, 219(6), 664-72.
  4. Bia D, et. al. (2007). Differential function coupling between human saphenous cryoallografts and arteries: importance of the arterial type and the biomechanical parameter evaluated. Artif Organs, 31(11), 809-18.



All products and indications are not available/approved in all markets. All trademarks are owned by Artivion, Inc. or its subsidiaries. On-X Life Technologies, Inc., Jotec GmbH, and Ascyrus Medical GmbH are wholly owned subsidiaries of Artivion, Inc. MLENG1589.000. (2023-04)

Artivion, Inc. 1655 Roberts Blvd, Kennesaw, GA 30144, US